Raising Healthy Calves

Hello. Mah name is LuluBelle and Ah am a very good friend of Moonique. And when she told me about this blawg of hers Ah told her Ah just had to pahrticipate. So here Ah am: pahrticipating, ’cause Ah told her what do humans know about us bowvines anyway? What do they know about raising healthy calves, and all? Do they know about calf scours, and Bowvine Vahral Diahrrhea, and the importance of colostrum? My friend Moonique says many of them do, like our caretakers, but Ah say many of them don’t, and we should tell them about these things if we expect to be cared for as we should be. But listen to me ramblin’ on like an old cow who has lost her mahnd. Ah just wanted to tell y’all that Ah will pahrticipating in this here blawg along with my friend Moonique so expect to hear from me again, from time to time, when mah duties permit. Ah need to leave now. Ah am in charge of the nursery this week. Bye!